
  • Calorie-Counting Machines Are Pure Evil

    GE has developed a device that can analyze the calorie count of your dinner. Good for science—but we're already in a bloody mess with our diets, and we don’t need anything else that turns food into a mathematical equation.

  • The Fight Over School Lunch Mandates Is Going Nowhere

    In Washington D.C., the issue of school lunch programs and the drastic reforms to them have become entrenched in a political quagmire as thick as slop. While fat politicians bicker, kids are left in the middle of the argument. Who wants a Sloppy Joe?

  • Fat-People Medical Equipment is on the Cusp of a Boom

    A new report says that 62.7 percent of Australian adults were overweight or obese in 2012, up by 1.5 per cent on 2008. That's good news if you're in the XXXL medical equipment racket.

  • Fat Camp Mem'ries

    When I was 14 I went to fat camp. It was completely voluntary. The only problem was that I wanted to go to Camp Shane, a famous fat camp in the Catskills that has a great reputation.
