
  • It’s Not Junk Food, It’s You

    A study published today in Obesity Science & Practice says that efforts to steer eaters away from junk food have been far too simplistic. In fact, for roughly 95 percent of Americans, junk food consumption plays little to no role in their body mass...

  • This Landlord Gives Vegetarian Renters a $200 Discount

    In what may be the first example ever of a discount in rent based on what a tenant agrees to eat (or not eat), Jinesh Varia is hoping to find a vegetarian or vegan lessee for his “luxury townhome” in Bethel, Washington.

  • A Study Says 70 Percent of Koreans Aren’t Eating Enough Meat

    Perhaps its time to lay down the industrial-sized bags of honey-butter chips and jump into some bathtubs full of bo ssam. I know I would.
