
  • OK, So I Have a Drinking Problem

    I drink until there is nothing left to drink, and then I often drink some more. I can go for days without food in my apartment, but I can't stand the thought of existing in a dry household.

  • This Guy Wants to See You in His Sober Night Club

    Sober is the name of Stockholm's newest, hottest, soberest nightclub. Mårten Andersson is pretty sure that if you go there, you'll have a good time. But if you can't pass a breathalyzer, you don't get in.

  • Recovering Alcoholics Shouldn’t Drink Kombucha

    A favorite of yoga instructors and health nuts, kombucha has been touted as a miracle elixir. But for people who are in recovery from alcohol addiction, kombucha's naturally present booze—as insignificant as it may seem—is a problem.
