We Asked VICE What "Buggin" Means to Help the Hernandez Trial Prosecutor


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We Asked VICE What "Buggin" Means to Help the Hernandez Trial Prosecutor

Aaron Hernandez sent a text saying he "jus woke up buggin" and this terminology has baffled the prosecutor.

The murder trial for former New England Patriots tight end Aaron Hernandez is still going strong as his fiancée, Shayanna Jenkins, took the stand to answer the prosecutor's hard hitting questions. We here at VICE Sports were fairly confident that this trial reached peak lawyer humor when Hernandez's attorney made a dumb Deflategate joke back in February, but we were wrong.

The text message shown above was sent from the defendant, Hernandez, to his fiancée. When read aloud in court, the prosecutor—unshockingly a middle aged white man—was confused with the hip slang Hernandez used to describe how he woke up that morning.


Prosecutor: "Just in regard to 'I woke up buggin,' do you know what 'buggin' is?"
Jenkins: "I do."
Prosecutor: "OK. What is it?"
Jenkins: *rolls eyes* "I guess kind of…*shrugs*….out of your element. Like, kind of wake up and you're looking around."
Prosecutor: "Have you ever used that term that way?"
Jenkins: "Buggin?" *gives an are-you-fucking-serious look*
Prosecutor: "Yes."
Jenkins: "Ummm, not that I can remember."
Prosecutor: "Would it at all indicate going crazy or being crazy or something of that nature?"
Jenkins: "Buggin?" *repeat are-you-fucking serious look*
Prosecutor "Yes."
Jenkins: "I wouldn't say to the extent of going crazy, but I mean just I guess in shock?"

After listening intently to this very detailed vocabulary lesson, I too, began to question the definition of "buggin," so like any responsible journalist, I did my research in hopes to help out this un-cool prosecutor and put Shayanna Jenkins out of her misery.

According to Urban Dictionary—the most credible of all dictionaries—'buggin' is defined as "whilen or trippin out," but I also know you can't believe everything you read on the internet. To find out the true meaning of this hip slang word, I asked the coolest, hippest, non-middle aged white people without law degrees I could find: people who work at VICE.

When asked what "buggin" means in context of waking up, VICE workers responded:

"Freaking out."

"Losing your shit."



"Eating bugs."

"In a kakfa-esque situation."

"Trippin's crazier cousin."

Others couldn't quite put buggin' into words, but rather provided a visual definition.

We may never know what Aaron Hernandez meant when he sent this mysterious text to his fiancée claiming that he "jus woke up buggin," but hopefully the team here at VICE has helped the prosecutor understand what it could mean and thus, can start using the trendy slang of us crazy kids and alleged murderers.