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We Asked Young People About Losing Their Insurance Over Pre-Existing Conditions

"Scared" is an understatement.

Under Obamacare, you can't be discriminated against by a healthcare company for having a pre-existing condition. This is unlikely to remain the case under the Trump administration, which has already started the process of repealing the ACA. We asked people with pre-existing conditions what they're thinking and feeling right now. Katie, 22, New Jersey Diagnosis: Psoriatic arthritis What kind of condition do you have? I have psoriatic arthritis, and I was correctly diagnosed in September 2015. Compared to other patients, I got lucky; it only took about seven months During that time I saw five others doctor who all gave me the wrong diagnosis, and the wrong medicine. I tried 11 different medications (shots, pills, injections) and all they did was make me throw up. I'm now on a medication that is not FDA approved for what I have, but works and doesn't make me sicker. Have you benefited from the ACA? I'm a reporter so having a stable, steady job in one place forever is unrealistic. With the ACA, I knew I could move to a less liberal state, freelance, switch insurers, have flexibility in my life and career, and companies wouldn't be able to deny me coverage or charge me more just because I'm a disabled woman. It let me make the kinds of choices my able-bodied friends take for granted. I'm terrified when I turn 26 I'll become uninsurable but still have to take $80,000 in medications I can't pay for. I'm scared I won't be able to see my doctor, who is out of state and rather expensive. We have no idea what's next, and that scares the shit out of me. Read more on Tonic
